NorCal Head-Fi Meet

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NorCal Head-Fi Meet

Postby NekoAudio on Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:11 pm

John Purtill over at Head-Fi organized a NorCal meet yesterday at the DoubleTree Hotel up in Burlingame, California.

I saw a bunch of familiar faces, including Iron_Dreamer and Donald North from DNA (thank you for lending me your power strip), as well as some folks who were also at Can Jam 2009. I did get more opportunity to listen to more gear this time, including SinglePower amps, an Amarra and Berkeley Audio Design driving a Woo Audio amp, DNA's Sonett amp, and STAX headphones. Eddie Mis from ACIX dropped by with some new MAESTRO GMP 8.35D headphones which have a very unique sound.

Here are Acix's brief impressions of the D100.

Neko Audio Setup
neko_setup.jpg (87.18 KiB) Viewed 44220 times

Donald North Audio Setup
dna_setup.jpg (71.15 KiB) Viewed 44220 times

Eddie Mis with MAESTRO Headphones
acix_maestro.jpg (53.2 KiB) Viewed 44220 times
Wes Miaw, Neko Audio LLC
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