Canada Loaner Program

General discussion of the D100 24-bit Stereo DAC.

Canada Loaner Program

Postby NekoAudio on Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:09 pm

The Canada loaner program allows you to audition the D100 in your own home without making a purchase. :D

The way it works is simple. If you would like to audition the D100, post a reply to this thread indicating your interest. Your name will be added to the list in first come first serve order. Once the person above you in the list has finished his or her audition, the loaner unit is shipped to you. You have two weeks to listen before you ship it to the next person on the list.

To keep things easy, shipping costs are paid by the sender. Shipping must include full insurance for $1400 CDN. The next person in line must provide their shipping address and phone number to the shipper and Neko Audio. The shipper must provide the tracking number to the recipient and Neko Audio.

After the audition, each participant must post on this thread with their impressions of the D100, and should include what equipment they used. A pair of XLR female to RCA male interconnects is included with the D100 for use with single-ended systems.

The Canada program is currently closed. However, if you are interested in the program please post to this thread. With enough participants, I will open the program for round two.
Wes Miaw, Neko Audio LLC
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby NekoAudio on Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:09 pm

mantisory (2009-07-31 - 2009-08-23)
Jakeman (2009-08-24 - 2009-09-10)
restock (2009-09-11 - 2009-10-01)
DirtFt (2009-10-02 - 2009-10-19)
Brooke (2009-10-20 - 2009-11-06)
paulg30 (2009-11-07 - 2009-11-25)
Pneumonic (2009-11-26 - 2009-12-08)
dbdog (2009-12-09 - 2010-01-12)
anpic (2010-01-13 - 2010-02-05)

(Dates are approximate and will be slightly more than 2 weeks to account for shipping.)
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby mantisory on Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:54 pm

Hi Wesley, please add me to the list to audition the D100. I look forward to it!
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby Cankin on Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:19 am

please disregard my request, thanks
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby Jakeman on Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:07 pm

Please add me to the list. In fact I know Mantisory well so I can coordinate with him.
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby NekoAudio on Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:00 am

Jakeman Wrote:In fact I know Mantisory well so I can coordinate with him.

Great. :) Welcome.
Wes Miaw, Neko Audio LLC
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby restock on Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:52 pm

Dear Wesley,

congratulations on getting a loaner programs started on your DAC.

To be honest, I just ordered a very high-end DAC so that may not be able to purchase one of your DACs. However, I would be interested in listening to it and comparing it anyway. I know both Jakeman and Mantisory very well so that I can coordinate with both. We can cut my time shorter if necessary if the list gets much longer.

Best wishes,

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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby NekoAudio on Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:49 pm

restock Wrote:To be honest, I just ordered a very high-end DAC so that may not be able to purchase one of your DACs. However, I would be interested in listening to it and comparing it anyway.

No problem. Comparisons to other equipment is one of the goals of this program. :)
Wes Miaw, Neko Audio LLC
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby NekoAudio on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:36 am

On track to ship the unit out to mantisory at the end of this week. :)
Wes Miaw, Neko Audio LLC
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Re: Canada Loaner Program

Postby Pneumonic on Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:29 pm

Hello, Wesley.

Pleased to see that you are offering this loaner program. It's unfortunate that you were unable to find a way to offer it on the CAM site but the important thing is to get your D100 into the hands of people and let them take it from there. You've already got excellent and respected CAM folks readying to try it out so you can bet their experiences will be fedback to CAM.

I am very much interested in trying out your DAC. I find it very intriguing. However, I'm much like Rene and just bought yet another DAC solution so I am not sure that I need another DAC. But .........

I will be able to compare the D100 to a

- Squeezebox Transporter (currently stock)
- Roksan DA1 DAC w/ DS4 PS
- Lite Audio DAC 60
- Beresford 7510 Mk6.4
- Modwright Sony SCD777ES
- Metric Halo ULN2

and I have quick and easy access to my Dad's Muse Model 2 DAC w/ Bessel filter along with a current update Museatex Bidat of his.

At any rate, I probably won't be able to seriously audition until after labour day weekend when things settle down on the vacation homefront.


- Kerry
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